The Next Decade

In 2018, our tenth year of grantmaking, The Foundation undertook two projects to thank and support our grant partners. These efforts focused on leadership, skills development and strengthening our partners and will help to usher in our next decade of work.

Over time, The Benter Foundation has gotten to know more than 70 organizations dedicated to making Pittsburgh and the world beyond it more livable, sustainable and welcoming.  Each organization has its own mission and purpose, but every one of them strives to advance the common good. You can read the names of these grant partners in our grants list.

All of them continue to elevate our understanding of what is possible.

We wanted to highlight their vital accomplishments and help them become even stronger through two specific opportunities that began in 2018. The two projects are The Benter Vision Awards and the Each and Every Photo Exhibition. You can read more about The Benter Vision Awards here. The photo exhibition resulted in powerful images and a small book to highlight the work of six exemplary nonprofit agencies. A master class with the exhibition designer and the three photographers who captured these agency images offered practical advice on how nonprofits can improve their visual storytelling.

This section on the next decade frames the work ahead for The Benter Foundation.

Further Reading:

Opioids in the Community

Spotlight - Partners Work in Progress